Binghamton, NY
To designate to a specific fund click 'In Support of' on the drop-down menu on the secure donation form and select the Fund of your choice.
Thank you!
Gifts in the form of cash or check are the type of gifts most familiar to donors (such a gift can be tax deductible up to 50% of a donor's adjusted gross income).
Checks can be made payable to:
Lourdes Hospital Foundation
187 Riverside Drive
Binghamton, NY 13905
You may also make a donation online with a credit card. Gifts may be made in memory of a loved one, in honor of someone special, or in general support of Lourdes mission. All those who donate online will receive a formal acknowledgment of their contribution in a written letter.
All gifts received by Lourdes Hospital Foundation will benefit Lourdes.
be a gem
give every month
Illness and injury can happen to anyone at any time. The Lourdes Hospital foundation is there to provide the necessary financial help to patients in need when they need it the most. Your monthly gift will enable us to continue to say 'yes' to those individuals so that they and their families can concentrate on their health and recovery.
A guaranteed dollar amount each month is always a comfort as the Lourdes Hospital Foundation relies on the generosity of donors like you to meet the needs of so many.
Spreading your gift over months may even allow you to contribute more than you originally thought you could. For example, giving $500 all at once might be too much for the budget to handle, but if donating $50 a month is affordable, you would actually be donating $600 in 12 months!
Be a GEM and set up your monthly giving today! click here to set up your monthly gift
When you reach the age of 73 you are required to withdraw a certain amount of money from your retirement accounts.
This amount is calculated by taking the total amount in all of your retirement accounts as of December 31st of the previous year and dividing it by the Life Expectancy Factor (from the IRS Uniform Lifetime Table) that corresponds to your age. This is your RMD.
Not taking this distribution in a timely fashion can bring on severe penalties of up to 50% of the RMD amount.
RMD’s are taxed by the IRS as ordinary income and may push you into a higher tax bracket.
Consider making a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) to the Lourdes Hospital Foundation to reduce the tax impact of receiving these distributions and to support the health of the community you share.
If you would like more information on donating your RMD’s,
please feel free to contact the Foundation office at 607-798-5684.​
minimum distributions
memorial gifts/ tributes
A donor can remember a deceased loved one by making a memorial gift to The Lourdes Hospital Foundation. Notification of the gift (without mention of gift amount) is sent to the family of the person remembered.
A donor can honor a relative, friend, or colleague for a special occasion such as a birth, birthday, graduation, anniversary, wedding, retirement, professional achievement, or academic achievement by making a commemorative gift to The Lourdes Hospital Foundation. Notification of the donors thoughtfulness (without mention of gift amount) is sent to the honored person.
Naming Opportunities
Naming opportunities present an excellent way for a donor to honor or memorialize a loved one by establishing a philanthropic fund or by dedicating a room, a facility, or a needed piece of medical equipment.
To learn more about naming opportunities, you may call Robert O'Connell at the Lourdes Foundation Office at 607-798-5684.
A gift of securities that have appreciated in value can provide the donor tax benefits, as well as the opportunity to make a significant gift to The Lourdes Hospital Foundation. The donor bypasses capital gains tax and can take an income tax deduction based on the securities fair market value at the time of the transfer.
You receive gift credit for the fair market value at the time of transfer.
You pay no capital gains tax on the appreciated securities you donate.
Your gift is recognized as a charitable contribution for income tax purposes.
charitable trusts
Various charitable trusts allow the donor the opportunity to establish an ultimate gift for the benefit of the Hospital, while providing lifelong income for the donor. Trusts can be funded with cash or with real estate, stocks, or other assets. A charitable trust offers the donor the opportunity to convert non-paying assets into income-earning assets while generating a substantial future gift. Contributions that produce ongoing income to the donor can be very attractive methods of giving. Donors interested in charitable trusts should contact their lawyers for details concerning the many types of charitable trusts.
Does your employer
Gifts ?
To utilize a Corporate matching gifts program, a donor obtains the appropriate form from the employer and sends the completed form together with the donor's contribution to the Lourdes Hospital Foundation. The Foundation verifies the gift, and the employer then forwards its matching gift to the Foundation.
Options for donors with life insurance include:
A gift of a paid-up life insurance policy may be a way for a donor to make a significant gift. Many donors have grown children who are financially independent; for such donors, their paid-up life insurance policies may no longer be needed. The donor who contributes in this manner may deduct the cash surrender value of the policy as a charitable contribution.
By purchasing a life insurance policy and designating The Lourdes Hospital Foundation as irrevocable owner and beneficiary of the policy, a donor can thus make a charitable gift. In this instance, the annual premium that the donor will pay can be considered a charitable contribution.
life insurance