Binghamton, NY
To designate to a specific fund click 'In Support of' on the drop-down menu on the secure donation form and select the Fund of your choice.
Thank you!

Estate Recognition
The echo of our beliefs, deeds, and values reverberates beyond our lifetime through family and others whose lives we've touched. Your planned gift allows you to direct those funds to the causes nearest and dearest to your heart. Please consider a legacy gift to the Lourdes Hospital Foundation.
Please let the Foundation know if:
If you have already named the Lourdes Hospital Foundation in your estate plans, please contact the Foundation Office. The Lourdes Hospital Foundation would like to recognize and thank you for your thoughtfulness by welcoming you as a member of the Heritage Society.
To request information, contact us at 607-798-5684
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm

Thank you for thinking about remembering Lourdes in your Will.
There are several types of bequests that you can make to support Lourdes Hospital. Some types are:
Residuary Bequest
Specific Bequest
Percentage Bequest
Sample Bequest Wording
Sample wording for a Residuary Bequest or a gift made after all other heirs are remembered and all expenses and debts are paid, could include:
"All the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, I give, devise and bequeath to The Lourdes Hospital Foundation, Inc., located in Binghamton, New York."
Sample wording for a Specific Bequest could include:
"I give, devise and bequeath to The Lourdes Hospital Foundation, Inc., located in Binghamton, New York, the sum of ____ dollars ($____.__)."
Sample wording for a Percentage Bequest could include:
"I give, devise and bequeath to The Lourdes Hospital Foundation, Inc., located in Binghamton, New York, an amount equal to ____ percent (____%) of the net value of my estate as finally determined for Federal estate tax purposes."
Passing assets outside of a will
Examples of assets that can pass outside your Will are:
Assets held in an IRA or qualified retirement plan
Assets held in trust
Life insurance proceeds
These are some examples of how you can name The Lourdes Hospital Foundation as a "Beneficiary" of assets.
If you have questions or need more information about bequests to support Lourdes, please call the Lourdes Foundation Office at 607-798-5684.