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A lock box was purchased for a Hospice patient so all the patient's important documents could be organized and filed in a safe, secure place.

A patient recently diagnosed with cancer has had to miss work and was unable to pay his NYSEG bill.  Funds from Sock Out Cancer were used to pay the bill for this patient.

A patient with low income was fighting anal cancer and didn’t have a bed to sleep in, only a recliner which was very painful for her. LHF purchased a bed for her, had it delivered and set up. Having a bed made all the difference for the comfort of this patient.

A single mom, out of work due to multiple cancer and surgeries.  LHF helped her with many of her monthly bills. She was very grateful.

A patient who had cancer, undergoing chemo, had very little income.  Her son had to go into rehab and her mom had Covid. She was having this difficult time all the while undergoing chemotherapy.  The LHF helped with some of her bills.

Because of the many appointments scheduled for this patient due to repeat treatments, patient was given a gift card for use at the Lourdes Hospital Cafeteria to help ease the many expenses incurred.

An elderly widow suffering with Alzheimer's was given a robotic comfort dog purchased with funds from the Lourdes Hospital Foundation. This little dog is a great comfort and companion to this patient.

A cancer patient needed help with a month's rent as well as a car loan payment. The Lourdes Hospital Foundation used funds from Sock Out Cancer to pay these bills.


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